1) 日本と韓国は別の国です。
Japan and
Korea are different countries.
2) 日本人と韓国人はヨーロッパ人から見て似ているでしょうが、全く考え方や性格が違います。
Because we are Asians, we might look similar to the
we do not share the same ethics,
characteristics, etc., at all. Koreans are completely Alien to the Japanese.
3) 日本と朝鮮は戦っていません。
Japan has
never had a war against Korea, ever. We never fought.
4) 日本と朝鮮は朝鮮の懇願により、併合していました。
Japan annexed Korea because they begged Japan so. The annexation was internationally well recognized and
5) 併合中は日本国民として同等に扱われました。 日本は区別をしませんでした。
During the annexation, Japan treated the Koreans equal to
the Japanese citizens. Japan did not discriminate them.
6) 日本名を名乗って良いと発布すると、朝鮮人は競って日本名を名乗りました。
Once Japan allowed the Koreans to have Japanese
name, they competitively give themselves a Japanese name.
7) 近親相姦、女性蔑視、呪術医療など、数々の朝鮮人の悪習を禁止しました。
Japan prohibited Koreans their immoral habit, such as
incest, female discrimination, Witch Doctors, etc.
8) インフラストラクチャが皆無だったので、日本の国費を投入し整備しました。
Korea was the poorest nation; therefore, did not have any
infrastructure, Japan provided them the best infrastructure at Japanese
Government expense .
9) 教育が遅れ、識字率が30%以下だったので、教育施設と制度を整備しました。(日本国国費)
Because the people in Korea were not well educated, their
literacy rate was less than 30%. Japan equipped Korea with Education facility
and system.
Japan strictly prohibited all the people forcing girls
to work as a comfort woman. However, a lot of Korean pimps tricked girls into working
at a comfort woman brothel.
During the war, the comfort women earned far more money
than military officers and generals.
The comfort women
even had vacations and enjoy picnic, shopping, etc., with troops.
Japanese Army, like other nations, had Military
Korea made up the “comfort woman story”
by mixing up “comfort women” and “Military